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RTL GROUP : RTL Group, the leading European entertainment network, announces its interim results to 30 June 2011 : RTL Group continues to improve its profitability

RTL Group continues to improve its profitability
Luxembourg, 24 August 2011 – RTL Group, the leading European entertainment network, announces its interim results to 30 June 2011.
Half year to Half year to Per cent
In million
June 2011 June 2010 change
Revenue 2,751 2,661 +3.4
Underlying revenue 1 2,679 2,649 +1.1
Reported EBITA2 557 537 +3.7

Start-up losses 3 (10)
Adjusted EBITA 557 547
Reported EBITA margin (%) 20.2 20.2
Reported EBITA 557 537 +3.7
Impairment of investment in associates and amortisation and impairment of fair value adjustments on acquisitions (20) (5)
Loss from sale of subsidiaries, other investments and re-measurement to fair value
– of pre-existing interest in acquiree (11)
Net financial expense (3) (9)
Income tax expense (151) (155)
Profit for the period from continuing operations 383 357
Loss for the period from discontinued operations (1) (49)
Profit for the period 382 308 +24.0
Attributable to:
Non-controlling interests 58 51
RTL Group shareholders 324 257 +26.1
Basic EPS continuing operations (in ) 2.12 1.99
Basic EPS discontinued operations (in ) (0.01) (0.32)
Adjusted EPS (in ) 4 2.06 1.90 +8.4 1
Adjusted for Radical Media, Ludia and other minor scope changes and at constant exchange rates 2
EBITA (continuing operations) represents earnings before interest and taxes excluding impairment of investment in associates, impairment of goodwill and of disposal group, and amortisation and impairment of fair value adjustments on acquisitions, and gain or loss from sale of subsidiaries, other investments and re-measurement to fair value of pre-existing interest in acquiree 3
Alpha TV in Greece in 2010 4
Adjusted earnings per share represents the net profit for the year adjusted for impairment of investment in associates, impairment of goodwill and of disposal group, and amortisation and impairment of fair value adjustments on acquisitions, gain or loss from sale of subsidiaries, other investments and re-measurement to fair value of pre-existing interest in acquiree, net of income tax expense and one-off tax effects

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